Monday, October 3, 2022
8:00 am Commission in Session/Business with County Officeholders and Department Heads may be conducted, Commission Office, Courthouse 8:30 am Budget Meeting, VA Office, Courthouse 10:00 am Opening of 4th Quarter, Commission Office, Courthouse 10:15 am Health Department Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse 10:30 am Budget Meeting, VA Office, Courthouse 5:30 pm MU Extension Office, Neosho Tuesday, October 4, 2022 8:00 am Commission in Session/Business with County Officeholders and Department Heads may be conducted, Commission Office, Courthouse 8:30 am Budget Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse 11:00 am Budget Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse 2:00 pm Clean Air Meeting, Joplin Wednesday, October 5, 2022 8:00 am Commission in Session/Business with County Officeholders and Department Heads may be conducted, Commission Office, Courthouse 8:30 am Budget Meeting, VA Office, Courthouse 9:00 am Road and Bridge Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse 9:30 am Budget Meeting, VA Office, Courthouse Thursday, October 6, 2022 8:00 am Commission in Session/Business with County Officeholders and Department Heads may be conducted, Commission Office, Courthouse 8:30 am Budget Meeting, Commission Officer Courthouse 9:00 am ARPA Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse 10:30 am Newton County Business Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse 11:00 am Closed Session, RSMo 610.021 (1), Commission Office, Courthouse 11:30 am Closed Session, RSMo 610.021 (3), Commission Office, Courthouse 7:00 pm Economic Security Meeting, Joplin Posted: 09/29/22, 2:00pm (RSMo 610.020) Commission Agenda
Thursday, September 29, 2022 10:30 am Newton County Courthouse, Room 309
- RFP 2022-23 Servers, Storage and Switches Project - Bid 2022-25 Maintenance Truck 5. New Business- 2022 Audit - Letter of Representation - Newton County Surplus - Newton County Chamber “Business of the Month” 6. Appointments and Vacancies - Appointment WIB Board 7. Officeholders Business - none 8. Citizens Business- none 9. Accept printed reports for review 10. Closed Session as per RSMo 610.021 (1), (2) Speaking time will be limited to three minutes. Elected officials/citizens must request to speak to the Commission by 4:00pm on the Tuesday prior to the Commission Meeting on Thursday. Request to speak can be approved or disapproved by the Presiding Commissioner before being placed on the agenda. The News Media may obtain copies of this notice by contacting: Commission Office, 101 S. Wood Street, Room 309, Neosho, MO 64850, 417-451-8223. Posted: 9/28/2022, 10:00am (RSMo 610.020) Monday, September 26, 2022
8:00 am Commission in Session/Business with County Officeholders and Department Heads may be conducted, Commission Office, Courthouse 8:30 am Budget Meeting, VA Office, Courthouse 10:00 am Health Department Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse 10:30 am Budget Meeting, VA Office, Courthouse 1:00 pm Ex-Officio Meeting, Chamber of Commerce, Joplin Tuesday, September 27, 2022 8:00 am Commission in Session/Business with County Officeholders and Department Heads may be conducted, Commission Office, Courthouse 8:30 am Budget Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse 9:00 am Public Safety Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse 11:00 am Budget Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse 2:00 pm Clean Air Meeting, Joplin Wednesday, September 28, 2022 8:00 am Commission in Session/Business with County Officeholders and Department Heads may be conducted, Commission Office, Courthouse 8:30 am Budget Meeting, VA Office, Courthouse 9:00 am Road and Bridge Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse 9:30 am Budget Meeting, VA Office, Courthouse Thursday, September 29, 2022 8:00 am Commission in Session/Business with County Officeholders and Department Heads may be conducted, Commission Office, Courthouse 8:30 am Budget Meeting, Commission Officer Courthouse 9:00 am ARPA Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse 10:30 am Newton County Business Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse 11:00 am Closed Session, RSMo 610.021 (1), Commission Office, Courthouse 11:30 am Closed Session, RSMo 610.021 (3), Commission Office, Courthouse Posted: 09/22/22, 2:00pm (RSMo 610.020) Commission Agenda
Thursday, September 22, 2022 10:30 am Newton County Courthouse, Room 309
- Broadband Support Letter 6. Appointments and Vacancies - none 7. Officeholders Business - none 8. Citizens Business - none 9. Accept printed reports for review 10. Closed Session as per RSMo 610.021 (1), (2) Speaking time will be limited to three minutes. Elected officials/citizens must request to speak to the Commission by 4:00pm on the Tuesday prior to the Commission Meeting on Thursday. Request to speak can be approved or disapproved by the Presiding Commissioner before being placed on the agenda. The News Media may obtain copies of this notice by contacting: Commission Office, 101 S. Wood Street, Room 309, Neosho, MO 64850, 417-451-8223. Posted: 9/21/2022, 10:00am (RSMo 610.020) Monday, September 19, 2022
8:00 am Commission in Session/Business with County Officeholders and Department Heads may be conducted, Commission Office, Courthouse 8:30 am Budget Meeting, VA Office, Courthouse 10:00 am Health Department Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse 10:30 am Budget Meeting, VA Office, Courthouse Tuesday, September 20, 2022 8:00 am Commission in Session/Business with County Officeholders and Department Heads may be conducted, Commission Office, Courthouse 8:30 am Budget Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse 9:00 am Public Safety Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse 9:30 am Budget Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse 1:00 pm HSTCC Meeting, Neosho 2:00 pm WIB - Work Force Investment Board Meeting, Joplin Wednesday, September 21, 2022 8:00 am Commission in Session/Business with County Officeholders and Department Heads may be conducted, Commission Office, Courthouse 8:30 am Budget Meeting, VA Office, Courthouse 9:00 am Road and Bridge Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse 9:30 am Budget Meeting, VA Office, Courthouse Thursday, September 22, 2022 8:00 am Commission in Session/Business with County Officeholders and Department Heads may be conducted, Commission Office, Courthouse 8:30 am Budget Meeting, Commission Officer Courthouse 9:00 am ARPA Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse 10:30 am Newton County Business Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse 11:00 am Closed Session, RSMo 610.021 (1), Commission Office, Courthouse 11:30 am Closed Session, RSMo 610.021 (3), Commission Office, Courthouse Posted: 09/15/22, 2:00pm (RSMo 610.020) Commission Agenda
Thursday, September 15, 2022 10:30 am Newton County Courthouse, Room 309
- Bid 2022-25 - Court Order 2022-17 - Court Order 2022-18 - Tax Collection Municipality 6. Appointments and Vacancies - none 7. Officeholders Business - none 8. Citizens Business - none 9. Accept printed reports for review 10. Closed Session as per RSMo 610.021 (1) Closed Session as per RSMo 610.021 (2) Speaking time will be limited to three minutes. Elected officials/citizens must request to speak to the Commission by 4:00pm on the Tuesday prior to the Commission Meeting on Thursday. Request to speak can be approved or disapproved by the Presiding Commissioner before being placed on the agenda. The News Media may obtain copies of this notice by contacting: Commission Office, 101 S. Wood Street, Room 309, Neosho, MO 64850, 417-451-8223. Posted: 9/14/2022, 10:00am (RSMo 610.020) Monday, September 12, 2022
8:00 am Commission in Session/Business with County Officeholders and Department Heads may be conducted, Commission Office, Courthouse 10:00 am Health Department Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse Tuesday, September 13, 2022 8:00 am Commission in Session/Business with County Officeholders and Department Heads may be conducted, Commission Office, Courthouse 9:00 am Auditor Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse 10:00 am Forvis Visit, Commission Office, Courthouse 1:00 pm AAA- Area Agency on Aging, Joplin Wednesday, September 14, 2022 8:00 am Commission in Session/Business with County Officeholders and Department Heads may be conducted, Commission Office, Courthouse 9:00 am Road and Bridge Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse Thursday, September 15, 2022 8:00 am Commission in Session/Business with County Officeholders and Department Heads may be conducted, Commission Office, Courthouse 9:00 am ARPA Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse 10:30 am Newton County Business Meeting, Commission Office, Courthouse 11:00 am Closed Session, RSMo 610.021 (1), Commission Office, Courthouse 11:30 am Closed Session, RSMo 610.021 (3), Commission Office, Courthouse Posted: 09/08/22, 2:00pm (RSMo 610.020) Commission Agenda
Thursday, September 08, 2022 10:30 am Newton County Courthouse, Room 309
- County Policy Manual Changes Approval 6. Appointments and Vacancies - Appointments CID Board 7. Officeholders Business - none 8. Citizens Business - none 9. Accept printed reports for review 10. Closed Session as per RSMo 610.021 (1) Closed Session as per RSMo 610.021 (2) Speaking time will be limited to three minutes. Elected officials/citizens must request to speak to the Commission by 4:00pm on the Tuesday prior to the Commission Meeting on Thursday. Request to speak can be approved or disapproved by the Presiding Commissioner before being placed on the agenda. The News Media may obtain copies of this notice by contacting: Commission Office, 101 S. Wood Street, Room 309, Neosho, MO 64850, 417-451-8223. Posted: 9/7/2022, 10:00am (RSMo 610.020) For Immediate Release
September 6, 2022 Newton County is moving forward to be update county used maps and records with verified address points and street centerlines. Chancy Huntzinger, Newton County 911 Director and Cheryle Perkins, Newton County Assessor are working together to update all addresses correctly on the county maps and ensure street centerlines are recorded accurately. Field work to improve Newton County’s 911 maps is beginning in September. Mapping engineers from Newton County’s 911 mapping contractor, SDR Inc., will be driving throughout the county to verify addresses and street centerlines. The 911 mapper will stop in front of some structures to observe and verify the posted address and validate it in the 911 system. If no address is posted or legible, the mapper will mark the record for further investigation. “The purpose of this project is to improve the accuracy of the county map and addressing data used by emergency responders. Additionally, this is a step toward Next Generation 911 for Newton County,” reports Chancy Huntzinger, Newton County 911 Director. Cheryle Perkins, Newton County Assessor adds “Having accurate address locations is necessary for First Responders and applying the correct taxing jurisdictions to personal property accounts. If you do not have your address posted on your home, now is the time to do so,” The field work project will include verification throughout the entire area of Newton County except for the incorporated city of Joplin. The mapper’s car will be clearly marked with white signs with red letters that read “911 Mapping.” All SDR employees will carry photo IDs and business cards for the Newton County Assessor and 911 Director. The mapper will stop in front of homes to observe posted addresses but will not knock-on doors or conduct interviews with residents. The mapper will not trespass on private property but will drive all named or numbered roads in cities and rural areas. Field workers will be within the county through the end of December. For questions regarding this project please contact: Chancy Huntzinger, Newton County 911 Director - 417-451-8291 Cheryle Perkins, Newton County Assessor - 417-451-8228 Julie Kellerman, SDR, Inc. Project Manager – 800-283-1911 x706 |
public notices
Section 504/ADA Compliance
If you are in need of disability related auxiliary aids or services, contact the County Clerk's Office at 451-8221. Wheelchair access is through the north ramp entrance and throughout the Courthouse via the elevator. Handicap restrooms are located on the third floor. An assistive listening device is located in the second floor courtroom. Archives
February 2025
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