Office Hours 8:00 am to 4:00 pm TUESDAY 9:00 am Weekly Staff Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse WEDNESDAY 9:00 am Weekly Road & Bridge Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 10:30 am County Business Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 1. Roll Call 2. Minutes 3. Other Business to become before the Commission 11:30 am Weekly HR Work Session, Commission Office/Courthouse THURSDAY Office Hours 8:00 am to 4:00 pm Pursuant to state statute, we will be conducting a test of the voting equipment to be used for the August 4, 2020 Primary Election on Wednesday, July 22nd, 2020 at 9 o’clock a.m. Location: Newton County Clerks’ Office.
Tami Owens County Clerk MONDAY
12:00 pm Chamber of Commerce Board Meeting, Ex-Officio, Joplin TUESDAY 9:00 am Weekly Staff Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse WEDNESDAY 9:00 am Weekly Road & Bridge Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 10:30 am County Business Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 1. Roll Call 2. Minutes 3. RFP Opening 2020-17 Phone System RFP Opening 2020-18 Switch Hardware RFQ Opening 2020-19 Engineering Services 4. Other Business to become before the Commission 11:30 am Weekly HR Work Session, Commission Office/Courthouse 2:00 pm TAC- Transportation Advisory Council, Carl Junction THURSDAY Office Hours 8:00 am to 4:00 pm MONDAY
Office Hours 8:00 am to 4:00 pm TUESDAY 9:00 am Weekly Staff Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 11:00 am JCPHA - Jasper County Public Housing Authority Meeting, Joplin 1:00 pm AAA - Area Agency on Aging, Joplin WEDNESDAY 9:00 am Weekly Road & Bridge Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 10:30 am County Business Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 1. Roll Call 2. Minutes 3. Other Business to become before the Commission 11:30 am Weekly HR Work Session, Commission Office/Courthouse THURSDAY Office Hours 8:00 am to 4:00 pm The Newton County Commission received $6.8 million in CARES Act Funding to support Newton County in its response and recovery from COVID-19. The Commission has established a process for entities to apply for reimbursement of eligible expenses incurred from March 1- December 30, 2020.
Links to the Act, Guidelines, Questions and Answers, and up-to-date information regarding CARES funding may be found at Additional information is also located at CARES funding applications and information will be available at If entities have questions, they can reference this web site for information. CARES funding will be paid on a reimbursement basis only; no loans or grants will be awarded at this time. First round or initial funding will be prioritized by funding group and expenses already incurred and paid by entities. Submissions will be reviewed on a weekly basis. The Newton County Commission is committed to entities in our County. We understand the needs of our community and will work as quickly and diligently as possible to release the CARES Act funding. |
public notices
Section 504/ADA Compliance
If you are in need of disability related auxiliary aids or services, contact the County Clerk's Office at 451-8221. Wheelchair access is through the north ramp entrance and throughout the Courthouse via the elevator. Handicap restrooms are located on the third floor. An assistive listening device is located in the second floor courtroom. Archives
February 2025
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