5:30 pm MU-Extension Meeting, Neosho TUESDAY 8:30 am Weekly Staff Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 9:00 am Public Safety Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 11:00 am Weekly HR Work Session, Commission Office/Courthouse WEDNESDAY 9:00 am Pre-Construction Meeting Streambank Stabilization, via Zoom 9:00 am Weekly Road & Bridge Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 10:30 am County Business Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 1. Roll Call 2. Minutes 3. Bid Opening Road Works Material 4. CARES Update 5. Other Business to become before the Commission THURSDAY 7:00 pm Economic Security Meeting, Joplin MONDAY
12:00 pm City of Joplin Board Meeting, Ex-Officio, Joplin TUESDAY 8:30 am Weekly Staff Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 9:00 am Public Safety Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 11:00 am Weekly HR Work Session, Commission Office/Courthouse 2:00 pm Clean Air Meeting, Joplin WEDNESDAY 7:30 am Wake Up Wednesday, Chamber of Commerce, Neosho 9:00 am Weekly Road & Bridge Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 10:30 am County Business Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 1. Roll Call 2. Minutes 3. CARES Update 4. Other Business to become before the Commission THURSDAY Office Hours 8:00 am to 4:00 pm MONDAY
Office closed in observance of Martin Luther King Day TUESDAY 8:30 am Weekly Staff Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 9:00 am Public Safety Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 10:00 am Public Hearing and Adoption of 2021 Budget, Commission Office/Courthouse 10:30 am Region M Meeting, Joplin 11:00 am Weekly HR Work Session, Commission Office/Courthouse WEDNESDAY 9:00 am Weekly Road & Bridge Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 10:30 am County Business Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 1. Roll Call 2. Minutes 3. Bid Opening 2021-01 Financial Statement 4. CARES Update 5. Other Business to become before the Commission 2:00 pm Environmental Task Meeting, Joplin THURSDAY 8:30 am Chamber of Commerce, Neosho 1:30 pm JATSO - Joplin Area Transportation Study Organization, Joplin MONDAY
Office Hours 8:00 am to 4:00 pm TUESDAY 8:30 am Weekly Staff Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 9:00 am Public Safety Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 11:00 am Weekly HR Work Session, Commission Office/Courthouse 11:00 am JCPHA - Jasper County Public Housing Authority Meeting, Joplin 1:00 pm AAA - Area Agency on Aging, Joplin WEDNESDAY 9:00 am Weekly Road & Bridge Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 10:30 am County Business Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 1. Roll Call 2. Minutes 3. RFP Opening 2020-32 Integrated Text to 911 4. CARES Update 5. Other Business to become before the Commission THURSDAY Office Hours 8:00 am to 4:00 pm NOTICE OF BUDGET HEARING
FOR THE COUNTY OF NEWTON, NEOSHO, MISSOURI A budget hearing will be held on Tuesday, January 19, 2021 at 10:00 o’clock a.m. for all interested citizens of Newton County. The meeting will be held in the County Commissioners’ office on the 2nd floor of the Courthouse for the purpose of approving the proposed budget for the year 2021. The proposed budget may be examined on weekdays in the County Clerk’s Office between 8:00 a.m. and 4:30p.m. All citizens will have the opportunity to give written and oral comment. Tami Owens County Clerk MONDAY
10:00 am Opening of 1st Business Quarter, Commission Office/Courthouse 5:30 pm MU-Extension Meeting, Neosho TUESDAY 8:30 am Weekly Staff Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 9:00 am Public Safety Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 11:00 am Weekly HR Work Session, Commission Office/Courthouse WEDNESDAY 9:00 am Weekly Road & Bridge Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 9:30 am Closed Special Meeting per RSMo 610.021 (1), Commission Office/Courthouse 10:30 am County Business Meeting, Commission Office/Courthouse 1. Roll Call 2. Minutes 3. Bid Opening 2020-24 Backhoe Repair and Modification 4. CARES Update 5. Other Business to become before the Commission THURSDAY 7:00 pm Economic Security Meeting, Joplin |
public notices
Section 504/ADA Compliance
If you are in need of disability related auxiliary aids or services, contact the County Clerk's Office at 451-8221. Wheelchair access is through the north ramp entrance and throughout the Courthouse via the elevator. Handicap restrooms are located on the third floor. An assistive listening device is located in the second floor courtroom. Archives
February 2025
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