In 2022 Presiding Commissioner Daniel Swem, was elected to a 4-year term. Presiding Commissioner Daniel Swem has a background in construction and owned a successful construction company and campground. He is known as one of Neosho’s big landlords who is renting to a various group of tenants, providing shelter and housing to our community. Now two years have passed since he has been in office, and he can report to the public that he has worked hard and tried hard to represent Newton County in all its county matters. He is serving on the McDonald/Newton County Landfill Board, WIB - Workforce Investment Board of Southwest Missouri, Joplin, JCPHA - Jasper County Public Housing Authority, AAA- Area Agency on Aging, and Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors, EX-Officio. He was especially engaged in the Removal of Lime Kiln Bridge and the restoration to its original state of nature to protect fish and wildlife. He also reevaluated and improved all the County’s insurance policies with significant cost savings. At the end of 2023 the Commission gave a 5% Cola to his employees, the highest Cola ever recorded.
Commissioner District 1, Alan Cook retired at the end of 2024. He served 12 years as Commissioner for Newton County since 2012 and has done an excellent job. Newton County is grateful to him and thanks him for his devotion, honor, diligence, and hard work. He worked closely together with MODOT and the Road Districts looking after County Roads and Bridges. He led two large bridge projects: replacement of the Jackson Avenue Bridge in south Joplin, and the Coler Street in Neosho’s Morse Park. He was a superb mathematician and custodian of the County’s budget, investments, and the distribution of American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) monies. He demonstrated on numerous occasions his master negotiating skill, and during his years of service has saved the county hundreds of thousands of dollars. Alan was also responsible for the county wide initiative to better understand the broadband gaps, and work with consultants to address the county’s internet service challenges. He has just recently led the selection of an ISP provider that is dedicated to provide broadband services throughout the county. With him goes an extensive knowledge of Newton County procedures and the wisdom to run the County most efficiently according to Missouri statutes. Alan served as Vice President of Southwest Missouri Association of County Commissioners, and President of the Missouri Southern State University Athletic Steering Committee. He was also a Board Member of Neosho Area Chamber of Commerce, Leadership Neosho, Enhanced Enterprise Zone, 911 Oversight, Crowder Joint Land Use, and Region M. We appreciate Commissioner Cook and his achievements and thank him kindly and wish him the best for his retirement. Commissioner District 2, David Osborn, was elected to a 4-year term in 2020. He served on the Environmental Task Force Council, President of Economic Security Board, Clean Air Commission, MU Extension Council, Transportation Advisory Committee and was the Treasurer of the HSTCC Council. One of David's accomplishments during the first 40 days of office was to introduce, The Newton County Missouri Second Amendment Preservation Act, Safety Ordinance. He was overseeing the construction of the 4th Courtroom for the 40th Judicial Circuit Court Annex in Neosho and the total remodel of the Canopy Building. David was directing and managing a team of 5, maintenance and construction staff and a team of 3 custodial staff. He immensely benefited from his 25-year military experience scheduling and delegating the workload. Under Commissioner Osborn’s management, the construction was completed in May 2024. David also oversaw the construction of the 911 parking lot, the parking lot and the security fence and gate at the Jail, and the ADA handicap ramp at Emergency Management. David is moving on to new pastures and we thank him very much for his hard work and contribution to Newton County. He was a very important part of the Commission, and we wish him a great farewell. Top improvements were: IT The County continued to improve Cyber Security by implementing new technology upgrades to enhance the prevention of cyber-attacks. Construction Newton County completed the 4th court room for the 40th Judicial Circuit Court Annex. Tuckpointing at the Courthouse Building was completed. Lead-based paint removal and new painting was done at Newton County Courthouse. New Air and Heating Units were installed in the Courthouse. Bridge work was completed at Duquesne Road Bridge over KCS Railroad. Scheduled for the New Year is Old Highway E (Wagon) Bridge over Shoal Creek. Scheduled for the New Year is Old Highway 71 Bridge. Broadband Newton County conducted a Broadband Study and remains committed to developing a more connected, sustainable, and equitable connectivity throughout the county. The Smarter Newton County Roadmap Initiative, funded by federal grant support, underscores this commitment to the County’s residents and businesses. Construction should begin in early 2025. Financial 2024 in Review Sales tax revenue had a 1% increase in 2024. The County gave all eligible county employees a 5% Cost of Living increase for 2024. The County also approved to pay 4% to CERF (County Employee Retirement Fund) for all eligible and/or Participating Employees beginning January 1, 2025. December 2024 Newton County Commission Comments are closed.
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