Newton County Commission has been and continues to communicate with the Newton County Health Department, the Missouri Department of Agriculture, the Missouri Department of Conservation, Senator Carter’s Office and the affected area commercial producers in reference to the current Avian Influenza outbreak.
The local Health Department is monitoring staff for illness who have worked in close proximity to the affected chickens/turkeys. To date, there have been NO Avian Flu (H5N1) cases in persons who are being monitored. Below are several of the most common questions the Commission, Health Department and other Elected Officials are receiving. What are the concerns of this virus spreading to humans: There is very minimal risk to the general population as AvianFlu has never been transmitted from person to person. However, there is always a risk that the virus may mutate and be able to transmit from person to person, thus the extreme effort to keep this virus as contained as possible. What symptoms might someone exhibit if they are infected: Symptoms of AvianFlu are identical to Influenza commonly in humans such as fever, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, muscle or body aches, headaches, fatigue, shortness of breath, pneumonia and also eye redness (conjunctivitis). Less common symptoms include diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, or seizures. What should citizens do if they suspect they have HPAI: If you feel you may have Avian Flu, call your primary health care provider to discuss treatment such as TamiFlu. The public needs to know that Influenza A, which is very common in humans, has been on the rise in our area. THIS IS NOT AVIAN FLU. What people can do to ensure their food is safe: The virus has not been shown to affect the eggs or meat of the birds. However, when the initial positive test came back all sales of meat and eggs were halted out of caution and all have been destroyed and taken to landfill. If any meat or eggs did reach retail outlets, (1) proper cooking temperature for poultry (165 degrees) would kill any possible contamination and (2) thorough cooking of eggs would also kill any contamination, to reiterate the virus has not been shown to affect meat or eggs and those products have been destroyed (monitored by the Dept. of Agriculture) out of caution. Certain strains of Avian Influenza are transferable to cattle. At this time, the Missouri Department of Agriculture has not observed that particular strain in any of the poultry tested in Newton County. What should back yard flock owners do if they suspect their birds are infected: The Missouri Department of Agriculture encourages producers to contact their veterinarian or the MDA office if you have sick birds or a sudden increase in death loss to your flock. The MO Department of Ag Animal Health team can be contacted at: 573-751-3377. What are the warning signs for backyard poultry producers: A decrease in water or feed consumption; a sudden increase in death in your flock; a decrease in egg production; respiratory signs, such as coughing and sneezing. Producers are encouraged to increase biosecurity around your flock, including: Preventing contact with wild birds (especially waterfowl), restrict visitor access to your birds, repair holes in roofs/screens/walls of poultry barns or coops. Have dedicated clothing and footwear when working with your birds. Larger poultry operations with a company veterinarian should report any positive cases through their veterinarian. Immediate testing is crucial and encouraged; USDA offers a Livestock Indemnity Program (LIP) for qualifying flocks. What should citizens do if they find deceased wild birds (hawks/eagles/other): Contact the Missouri Department of Conservation for them to pick up and dispose of the birds. 417-895-6880 Links and Contact Information MO Department of Agriculture 573-751-4211 Newton County Health Department 417-451-3743 MO Department of Health 573-751-6400 MO Department of Conservation 417-895-6880 NEWTON COUNTY COMMISSION Daniel Swem Presiding Commissioner Mark Knight District 1 Commissioner Mark Bridges District 2 Commissioner Comments are closed.
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If you are in need of disability related auxiliary aids or services, contact the County Clerk's Office at 451-8221. Wheelchair access is through the north ramp entrance and throughout the Courthouse via the elevator. Handicap restrooms are located on the third floor. An assistive listening device is located in the second floor courtroom. Archives
February 2025
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